Welcome to Tumble Time Gymnastics

We are so happy to have you here at Tumble Time. Below are some common questions that arise as you begin your classes here at our facility.

How Does Tuition Work? Tuition will be run from your card on the 25th of the month for the NEXT month. Also, our tuition is ongoing, so once enrolled in a class, you are holding a spot in that class until you tell us otherwise. *Please see “Can We Pause Our Tuition?”

What is a Term? Our tuition is based on 4-week blocks of classes, that we call a term. They usually follow the calendar month but occasionally, one week will fall into a different month. Regardless, you will always be paying for 4 classes.

What happens if we are sick or out of town? No problem, just let us know via phone call, email, or through the parent portal, Then you have 6 months from the time of absence to use your make up. You may schedule a make up through the office in another class of the same level or one of our open gyms. If you have three make ups you can also schedule a Parents Night Out or Camp session. You do need to be enrolled in order to do make ups and you cannot use make ups in leu of paying tuition. Make ups are also not able to transfer to another person, even someone in the same family.

Can we pause our tuition? No, with as many kids as we have looking for spots, we are not able to pause tuition or hold spots in classes. If you need to take a break from classes, you have two options. You can continue to pay and have make ups to use or drop your tuition, If you decide to drop tuition, you will need to submit a two weeks WRITTEN notice. This can be done through the parent portal or through email.

How do testing and move ups work? At Tumble Time, we strive to make sure our students are in a challenging but safe level for them. We test all the kids officially twice a year. However, our coaches are always looking at their students, evaluating who is ready for the next level. Once they determine your child is ready to move up, they will inform you and the front desk so you can pick a new class. If you have questions on where your child is at, please feel free to ask their instructor. They should be able to evaluate them and give you any specific areas or skills that need to be improved before the next level is appropriate.

Do you offer any discounts? Yes, we offer a 15% off sibling discount for the second child (and more children in the same family as well). We also offer a 50% discount on a second class. Additionally, there is a 10% military discount to any student who had a parent, guardian, or sibling who is currently serving in the armed forces.

Please feel free to ask our office staff if you have any questions that need clarification or are not listed above.